Indian Graduate Students Association

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kickstart or Kicks started?

The first two days would have given an idea whether it is a kickstart to the semester or kicks started in the semester to most students. I'm hopping from class to class in search of my ideal course (something that gives me an A grade, knowledge, expertise and something easy). It is generally the combination of these expectations that is a mirage! I should finalize my courses and I hope that soon most of you will be able to do so too.

In other news, amidst heated debates and all, the IGSA cricket tournament is progressing smoothly. We'll probably have a report on it coming soon. Other events will be started soon too so we look forward to a great turnout. The enthusiasm should be that of booth capturers though the turnout should be a near 100% I'd say!

These apart, we're looking for ideas and designs for our first ever IGSA T-Shirt. At least to my knowledge this would be the first. At least, first in many years... We welcome ideas from anyone (UIC or not, IGSA or not) though I don't see how if entries don't come from our students, how they will from elsewhere! We'll record the name of the winning entry and make her/him famous! Some cultural events coming up include a Latin American event for which we (IGSA) were invited to put up food stalls.

For those who wish to contribute ideas, you're free to post your comments on these posts or email them to me or uic_incoming. Let's get ourselves a T-Shirt, I'd strongly urge. For a contingent as big as ours and that too of a university as reputed as ours, we should be famous!

Hoping you've had great first two days and that you'll continue to have great days this Fall semester. With anticipation of a great turnout for our events and contributions for T-Shirt designs I sign off.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Things Fall(-2009)ing into place

There must have been a lot of wind and gale as newcomers were preparing to arrive at the Windy city. Some had worries about who was going to pick him/her up. Others had worries like "How many would pick me up?" Needless to say another worry was "Is my host a nice person?"

Now these issues are done and dusted with most newcomers having a rough idea about where to move. For those who have already moved - great! For those who have never considered the topic, wake up or ask for help!
I really don't want to make this article a pain to read by referring to other things. I may write later about those. Some made it, some didn't yet.
The international orientation was done, and the few whom I met came up with not so great feedback. I'm surprised! Humans are never satisfied, eh?
With a few days to go until the start of the semester, what could one be looking forward to?
1 - A great academic session
2 - New style of learning
3 - Hot and/or pretty and/or humorous profs??? (Yes there are! Don't underestimate the profs...)
4 - Regular sports/gym activities
5 - Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ing cold of Chicago in the latter part of Fall semester. (New students should actually enjoy the extreme weather)
6 - UPass!!! (I fall short of words for this wonderful god-send)
7 - Birthday celebrations and other celebrations (You never know what all people may want to celebrate)
8 - Blame game between roomies and/or project partners. Rule: Blame/curse all but yourself for your ineffeciency. ;)
9 - Great grades (Phew!)

Here's what we at IGSA are planning, as most would have heard of, to kick start a great semester. We have sports week coming up. Keep watching this space and the incoming groups for updates. Participate in events and activities with vim and vigor! Other events to look forward to are:
Freshers' night
Taste of UIC

We'll keep you posted for any other event that may come up. Suggestions are welcome.
To end this post, get ready for the start of a great phase of your lives in this land. Keep cheerful and "Let's Roxxx" as our pal Neeraj says! (Don't know why he says it though...)

NOTE: This should hopefully revive the dormant blog site. You should see frequent updates now.